Charlie Sheen / Martin Sheen | Carlos Irwin Estevez / Ramon Antonio Gerard Estevez

It’s no secret that the entertainment industry has its fair share of celebrity families. One such surname that has become pretty popular through the years would be Sheen, thanks to actors such as Charlie and Martin Sheen.

Now, who would’ve thought changing one’s name could be considered a notable investment for one’s business? Well, by the looks of it, he thought so. Although his official name is still Ramon Antonio Gerard Estevez, the Apocalypse Now actor also uses his stage name for other non-acting endeavors, such as booking appointments. It’s apparently easier to recognize him with that name than the other. He got his first name from a casting director’s surname and “Sheen” from a televangelist’s surname. His son, Charlie, born Carlos Irwin Estevez, followed suit when he made his way into the acting business. Along with adopting the Sheen surname for his stage name, he opted to go with the English form of “Carlos,” which is “Charlie.”
