Julianne Moore | Julie Anne Smith

Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island without access to notable credits since the mid-’90s, Julianne Moore is a name you’re familiar with. What if we informed you that the Julianne Moore we know isn’t, in fact, Julianne Moore? (Please don’t return to your island; we’ll explain.)

When she was trying to join SAG, there was a Julie Smith and a Julie Anne Smith, which compelled her to choose another name. So, how did Moore come up with her stage name? Her father’s name was Peter Moore Smith, and her mother’s name was Anne Smith. She used both of their names to avoid offending anyone. However, the actress claims she exclusively uses Julianne Moore for business purposes, and everyone calls her Julie. So, if you’re ever fortunate enough to befriend her, keep in mind that her name is Julie.
